Landlords The Law is Changing!

The Electrical Safety Standard for Private Tenancies (NI) has changed.

The Regulations are operational from 1st April 2025 for all new private tenancies granted on or after this date.  Existing tenancies granted before 1st April 2025, have to the 1st December 2025 to comply.


The policy intent of the Regulations is to avoid unnecessary facilities and injuries due to faults with any rental properties hard-wired electrical installation.

Legislating for 5 year certified electrical installation checks can substantially reduce the risk of death or serious injury, such as electric shock, burns or from fire.

The Regulations require landlords to ensure their rental properties meet the specified Electrical Safety Standard, which means that:

  • The electrical wiring, sockets, consumer units (fuse box) and other fixed electrical parts in a property let under a private tenancy must be inspected and tested every 5 years, or more often that this if the qualified person undertaking the inspection thinks it is necessary.
  • Throughout the time a tenant is living at the property, electrical safety standards must be met.  In other words, the landlord has an ongoing duty to ensure that the property meets the electrical safety standards.  If the landlord is notified on an electrical fault at any time within the 5-year interval for inspection the landlord must ensure that the fault is dealt with.
  • The landlord must give the tenant a copy of the report detailing the condition of the property's electrical installations.  If requested the report must also be provided to the Council.

What Do The Regulations Mean For Landlords?

  • Ensure national standard for electrical safety are met.  These are set out in the 18th edition of the "Wiring Regulations" which are published at British Standard 7671.
  • Ensure the electrical installations in the properties are inspected and tested by a qualified person at intervals of at least every five years.
  • Obtain a report from the qualified person conducting the inspection and test which gives the results and sets a date for the next inspection and test.
  • Supply a copy of this report to the existing tenant within 28 days of the inspection and test.
  • Supply a copy of this report to a new tenant before they occupy the premises.
  • Supply a copy of the report to any prospective tenants within 28 days of receiving a request for the report.
  • Supply the council with a copy of the report within 7 days of receiving a written request for a copy.
  • Retain a copy of the report to give to the insepction and tester i.e. a qualified person, who will undetake the next inspection and test.
  • Where the report shows that further investigation or remedial works is necessary, complete this work within 28 days or any shorter period if specified as necessary in the report.
  • Supply written confirmation of the completion of the further investigation or remedial works from the electrician to the tenant (and the Council within 28 days of completion of the works if linked to previous Council intervention)

If you require an EICR Inspection carried out contact our Rental Team on:

Cookstown:  028 8676 3265 or Dungannon:  028 8772 7799